China's Ferrosilicon Prices Stabilize Gradually

Hainan West Asia Group said that after experiencing a surge in prices last week, the price of ferrosilicon has gradually stabilized this week and even has a downward trend. The quotation has returned to normal.

The price of conventional ferrosilicon 75 FOB Tianjin Port is around 1290 USD/MT, size 10-60mm.

Hainan West Asia Group’s relevant salesperson revealed that for ferrosilicon inquiries that could not be quoted recently, customers remained on the sidelines after the quotation was updated. In addition, the recent surge in shipping costs has caused tight shipping capacity and difficulty in booking positions.

According to our analysis, although the price of ferrosilicon has skyrocketed, the transaction volume is not large, and it should steadily decline in the near future, or return to the level before the price increase.

To learn more about relevant market information, please pay attention to Hainan West Asia Group official website and related social media. You are also welcome to leave messages for discussion under related content.


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