Chinese ferrosilicon prices firm

Hainan West Asia Group stated that the ferrosilicon FOB Tianjin port price this week is as follows:

FeSi 75, specifications 10-50mm, 1275-1315USD/MT

As previously predicted, the price remained stable and slightly increased compared to last week

The relevant salesperson in Hainan West Asia Group revealed that we recently received a lot of inquiries from Chinese domestic market and Japan. They reported that our prices are more advantageous and we are currently discussing payment methods.

According to the analysis of Hainan West Asia Group, ferrosilicon prices have been stable in a short period of time, mainly due to the increase in downstream purchase orders. In the near future, we will attend the CRU Ferroalloy Conference in the Netherlands, and ferrosilicon will also become one of our main products to promote.

To learn more about relevant market information, please pay attention to Hainan West Asia Group official website and related social media. You are also welcome to leave messages for discussion under related content.


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