Russian low-carbon ferrochrome suppliers offer significant discounts to the European Union

Due to the decrease in the quotation of low-carbon ferrochrome from Russia in the European Union, the overall quotation range of this alloy has decreased, but procurement activities remain weak. The price of high carbon alloys has not changed in the past week; The buyer is still delaying the purchase.

The price range of low-carbon ferrochrome (65-70% Cr; 0.1% C max) has shifted to $2.22-2.9 per pound of Cr DDP, compared to $2.45-2.9 per pound of Cr DDP a week ago. Market participants claim that several batches of Russian origin alloys have been sold at the lower limit of the quotation range. The transaction price of Türkiye alloy is 2.55-2.85 US dollars/pound Cr DDP. Most European sellers indicate that demand in the spot market is still very low. The demand for ferrochrome from Kazakhstan is stable, and the quotation is maintained at $2.9 per pound Cr DDP.

Due to weak consumer interest, the quotation for low-carbon ferrochrome (60% Cr; 0.1% C) remained unchanged at $2.35-2.48 per pound of Cr DDP.

In the field of high carbon ferrochrome (65-70% Cr; 6-8% C), no significant changes were observed: due to weak procurement activities, alloy quotations remained within the range of 1.63-2.14 USD/pound Cr DDP. The quotation for high-quality Indian alloy and Albanian alloy is above the lower limit of this range, while the upper limit is traditionally occupied by Kazakh ferrochrome. According to unconfirmed reports, the price of Russian alloy has dropped to $1.25 per pound Cr DDP. A European trader gave feedback to Hainan West Asia Group: "There are many traders in the market now offering alloys with a silicon content of 2.5%, so their sellers sometimes dump."


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