The trading volume is stable, and ferrochrome price in China remains stable on a weekly basis
The price of ferrochrome remains unchanged on a weekly basis, and the price will continue to remain unchanged this week. The trading volume in the ferrochrome market remained flat.
In September, stainless steel factories needed a large amount of ferrochrome, so they actively booked ferrochrome. Some steel mills also enter the market to purchase, and there are many inquiries and price confirmations.
The transportation efficiency of Maputo Port in Mozambique, South Africa is already full, which means that there will not be more chromium ore transportation from South Africa in the near future. In addition, the recent slight decline in exchange rates has widened the price difference between chromium ore futures and spot prices.
However, the stainless steel market remains strong, with high demand leading to price increases. The materials used for manufacturing stainless steel, such as nickel iron and chromium iron, are expensive, making the production of stainless steel even more expensive
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