Company News

Russia Vladivostok Becomes a Transit Port for China's Domestic Trade
Russia Vladivostok Becomes a Transit Port for China's Domestic Trade
Jun 29, 2023
China has taken the Russian port of Vladivostok as a transit hub for domestic trade materials. Starting from June 1st 2023, Chinese goods can pass through without going through customs procedures.Acco...
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2023-2027 Silicon Metal Market Analysis
2023-2027 Silicon Metal Market Analysis
Jun 21, 2023
According to the analysis of Hainan West Asia Import and Export Group, from 2022 to 2027, the global silicon metal market size is expected to increase by US$2.03425 billion.The market growth momentum...
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Under the influence of continued weak demand, electrolytic manganese fell again
Under the influence of continued weak demand, electrolytic manganese fell again
Aug 16, 2023
According to the observation of the Hainan West Asia Group. The substantive problem of demand is still difficult to improve, and the terminal continues to be weak on the electrolytic manganese market....
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Do you really understand electrolytic manganese flakes? Hainan West Asia Import and Export Group will introduce to you:
Do you really understand electrolytic manganese flakes? Hainan West Asia Import and Export Group will introduce to you:
Aug 16, 2023
Electrolytic manganese metal refers to the elemental metal obtained from manganese ore through acid leaching to obtain manganese salt, and then sent to the electrolytic cell for electrolysis. Iron-lik...
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Low micro carbon ferrochrome price correction
Low micro carbon ferrochrome price correction
Jun 09, 2023
With the coming of the rainy season and the end of the environmental inspection work, the production of low-micro-carbon ferrochrome in the South is expected to increase significantly. In addition, th...
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Silicon Manganese Market In 2023
Silicon Manganese Market In 2023
Jun 01, 2023
In 2023, the global economic situation is complicated, and the Chinese economy also faces severe challenges. Steel production fell year-on-year and demand for manganese products weakened. After a wild...
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Metal silicon prices in multiple regions of China hit new lows within the year
Metal silicon prices in multiple regions of China hit new lows within the year
Aug 16, 2023
Recently, spot prices of metal silicon in China Sichuan, Yunnan, Jiangsu, Guangdong and other regions have continued to decline. Taking Sichuan 441 # metal silicon as an example, the reference price o...
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Demand for chrome ore in Indonesia has surged
Demand for chrome ore in Indonesia has surged
May 26, 2023
According to customs data, a total of 58,475 tons of chromium ore was imported to Indonesia in March 2023, an increase of 44.91% month-on-month and 3.16% year-on-year (October 2022:56,684 tons). From...
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Industrial silicon application analysis
Industrial silicon application analysis
May 26, 2023
Industrial silicon is a strategic emerging metal material, and its upstream is the production link, including the mining and selection of silicon ore, and then the primary smelting and refining of ind...
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Silicon Metal
Silicon Metal
May 26, 2023
IntroductionSilicon metal is a product smelted from quartz and coke in an electric furnace. The main component silicon content is about 98% (in recent years, 99.99% of Si content is also available), a...
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Major silicon and manganese suppliers slightly reduced the spot market quotation
Major silicon and manganese suppliers slightly reduced the spot market quotation
Mar 13, 2023
According to Hainan West Asia Group's understanding, Japan's sluggish demand for basic ferroalloys has forced major silicomanganese suppliers to slightly lower their quotations in the spot market. How...
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Polysilicon Production Is On The Rise
Polysilicon Production Is On The Rise
Mar 03, 2023
In recent years, the output of polysilicon has been increasing rapidly year by year. It is expected that it will replace aluminum alloy as the second largest demand side in 2022, and the demand will c...
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Low-carbon ferrochrome market is expected to improve in March
Low-carbon ferrochrome market is expected to improve in March
Mar 02, 2023
After the low carbon ferrochrome Yang Yang after the suppression, the price rose quickly 600-700 yuan /50 base tons began to fall, by now the cumulative decline of 400-500 yuan /60 base tons, almost t...
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